GLAMi nomination: Experience The Great Fire of London

nominated by: Eveline Schonewille, Fabrique, The Netherlands
institution: Museum of London
category: Exhibition and Collection Extension

In 1666 a devastating fire left almost the entire inner city of London in ashes. Exactly 350 years later Fabrique has been commissioned by the Museum of London to create an interactive story about The Great Fire. The project is linked with the exhibition Fire! Fire! in Museum of London and a collaboration amongst the Museum of London, London Metropolitan Archives, Guildhall Art Gallery, The Monument, Arts Council England and the City of London Corporation.


Create an experience that tells the most complete and personal story about the fire.


We began structuring the many historical maps, artifacts and writings available and created an architecture based on four main storylines.

Using different perspectives, sidebars and cross links, visitors can determine how they want to experience the story; fast and factual or more in depth and narrated.
This makes it a very personal experience to learn about the fire, and in your own pace discover new facts, objects and theories.

For the visual design, we studied 17th century art, typography and literature. English woodcuttings from the 17th century were the main inspiration for the distinctive illustrations of Levi Jacobs that lend a unique face to the site.


Within a short amount of time, we created a complete educational experience for all ages. Not just a linear Wikipedia-inspired website that sums up the facts, but a multi-layered story platform where people deliberately can get lost. Informative and educational, but also adventurous and exciting; with this site we shook off the ashes of history to bring the story of the disaster back to life.