Augmented and Mixed Reality Design for Contested and Challenging Histories: Postcolonial Approaches to Site-Specific Storytelling
Maria Engberg, Malmö University, Sweden
Published paper: Augmented and Mixed Reality Design for contested and challenging histories
This paper presents a series of mobile Augmented Reality Experiences focusing on the postcolonial history of various sites in Copenhagen, Denmark. The applications—Bitter&Sweet & Finding Alberta—are part of a university-led research project, situated at the now closed Royal Cast Collection of the Copenhagen National Gallery and in the city itself. Using site-specific archival material for contemporary experiences in an urban landscape, the design process deals in part with contested sites and sensitive histories, while the application tells the story of colonial pasts in a Danish context. We will discuss the process of designing for a locative, embodied experience; the challenges of providing an embodied and compelling experience for visitors both inside and outside of buildings; and the challenges of designing for the wider urban landscape, given the constraints of a small screen and the limitations of the mobile device.
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