SAMR: A Model for Technology Integration in Museums

How-to Session
Heather Schneider, Shedd Aquarium, USA, Miranda Kerr, Shedd Aquarium, USA

Published paper: SAMR: a model for technology integration in museums

What is SAMR? SAMR is a process started in formal education for intentionally integrating technology into teaching and learning. SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition, and refers to the layers of ways to enhance or transform a task at hand. We believe this model is a valuable tool for the museum world because it allows us to open our minds; to rethink how technology is used, how it can empower staff to feel comfortable integrating with technology, and challenge the status quo.
As a small team of two staff, the digital learning team at Shedd Aquarium uses an empowerment model so that all learning staff feel confident integrating with technology. SAMR can support integration and innovation with technology across many areas in a museum, not just education. Whether you are thinking of a gallery map, gallery tour, exhibition signage, or educational program, SAMR offers a framework to explore how you can substitute, augment, modify, or redefine a project.
During this How-to Session, attendees will get a brief introduction to SAMR, hear how Shedd has piloted and implemented this tool, and learn from our iterative process and how we are evaluating successes and challenges that have come from the SAMR process. Then we will break into small groups to test out these tools and discuss how SAMR can be used in real world museum examples. We will provide a variety of examples, but feel free to bring your own project to be SAMRed! Walk away with new ideas, new tools and the resources to help get you started applying SAMR.

Learning, Technology, and the SAMR Model:
Goals, Processes, and Practice

The SAMR model: Six exemplars

Ruben R. Puentedura's Weblog (originator of SAMR framework)