1). Conference Program Ads
Space is available in the MW17 Conference Program, which is distributed to all registrants.
Page Size is 8 3/8” x 10 7/8” (Cover bleeds / Text no bleed), vertical orientation.
Inside Pages (black and white; +1 color optional; NO BLEEDS):
Placement | Price | Maximum Dimensions (width x height) |
Full Page | $1200 (order form) | 8.0 x 10.5 inches |
Half Page | $600 (order form) | 8.0 x 5.175 inches |
Quarter Page | $350 (order form) | 3.875 x 5.175 inches |
Add the Museums and the Web Conference color to any size interior advertisement +$200
PROGRAM HARD COVERS (available with sponsorship only):
Placement |
Price |
Maximum Dimensions (width x height) |
Back Cover* | available with sponsorship | 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 inches |
Inside Front Cover* | available with sponsorship | 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 inches |
Inside Back Cover* | available with sponsorship | 8 3/8 x 10 7/8 inches |
*Cover Pages (full digital color: BLEED OK)
File Format
Digital copy is preferred in one of the following formats:
- Press quality grayscale PDF (.pdf ).
- Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) including all fonts and images.
- InDesign format, with all linked text and image files and fonts.
Name your file after your company, not the meeting i.e. WebSpin.indd (NOT Museumsandtheweb.indd).
File Submission
DEADLINE: March 25, 2017
Submit files using the on-line form
You will receive an emailed confirmation, listing the files submitted.
2). Your Logo on Conference Web Site
As part of your exhibitor registration, you can include your logo on the MW2017 Museums and the Web Conference website exhibitor page. Having your logo included on all pages is available with some sponsorships.
File Format:
- Logos must be submitted as a Web-ready digital file.
- Image dimensions must be a max of 500px in each direction. Maximum file size 1MB.
- Logo should be placed on a white or transparent background.
- Format: GIF (.gif ), JPEG (.jpg), or PNG (.png)
File Submission
DEADLINE: March 25, 2016
Submit files using the on-line form
3). Conference Bag Inserts
Include your pre-printed literature in the MW2016 Conference Registrants’ Bags.
Per piece (maximum 8.5 x 11 inches and 2 oz.): $250 (order form)
Include your promotional items (pens, water bottles, etc.) in the MW2015 Conference Registrants’ Bags.
Per piece (up to 2 oz.): $250 (order form)
DEADLINE: Delivered to the Conference Hotel by April 14, 2016.
Materials not received by the deadline cannot be included.
Other Promotional Opportunities
Don’t see it here? Ask us: info@mwconf.org