By docents, for docents: we built a training platform using open-source software enabling our docents to self-publish. Now that it’s launched, what are their thoughts?
Ryan King, Smithsonian Institution, USA
It’s been six months since we launched or docent training platform. How are docents using it? What do they see as the strengths and shortcomings of the system? If we had to do it all over again what would we do differently? Especially as our museum is about to close for renovations, we are interested to learn how our virtual training platform is actually being used to cultivate a community of learners. How easy are the technical hurdles? What information is being shared among docents and how are they then planning on using these tools within our gallery walls with visitors once our museum reopens? We have shared the technical side of the platform at other talks, now we wish to share the stories of the people and how they use it. (Technical slides to be included as resource links.)
* Note: the site is accessible only using a Smithsonian email. I can provide screenshots upon request.