Sponsoring MW events and publications enables our partners to reach the single largest international group of thought leaders and innovators in the GLAM sector. We have a greater social media reach than any other cultural heritage conference, and strive to engage cultural heritage service providers and professionals alike in conversations online and at our meetings that go beyond the traditional vendor-client relationship to create true communities of practice that benefit all.
Global Sponsor $50,000 USD | order form
- High visibility pre-event, online and on-site brand recognition throughout the year at two MW Conferences and any other MW Deep Dive events.
- Planning support and promotion of unique sponsor opportunities (private dinner, private reception, private museum tour or event).
- Use of the MW brand name and logo in promotional campaigns.
- Full page ad in both conference programs (cover and inside cover on a first-come, first-served basis).
- Double Booth at all MW Conferences in a single calendar year.
- Attendance for up to five staff at all MW Conferences or events in a single calendar year.
- Five Registration Scholarships awarded per year in the sponsor’s name.
- 200 Drink tickets per conference for the sponsor to give attendees.
Platinum Sponsor $20,000 USD | order form
- High visibility pre-event, online and on-site brand recognition for a single MW Conference and a single additional MW Deep Dive event if available.
- Planning support and promotion of a unique sponsor opportunity (dinner, reception, private museum tour or event).
- Integration opportunities, weaving your brand or product into the fabric of influential MW events.
- Full page ad in the sponsored conference program (cover and inside cover on a first-come, first-served basis).
- Single booth at the sponsored conference.
- Attendance for up to 5 staff at the sponsored MW Conference.
- 2 Registration Scholarships awarded in the sponsor’s name.
- 100 Drink tickets for the sponsor to give attendees at the sponsored conference .
Gold Sponsor $15,000 USD | order form
- Full online and on-site brand recognition for a single MW Conference.
- Recognition as a reception sponsor for the sponsored conference (three are available on a first-come, first-served basis).
- A full page ad in the sponsored conference program (cover and inside cover not available).
- Single booth at the sponsored conference.
- Attendance for up to three staff at the sponsored MW Conference.
- Two Registration Scholarships awarded in the sponsor’s name.
- 75 Drink tickets for the sponsor to give attendees at the sponsored conference.
Silver Sponsor $10,000 USD | order form
- Selected online and on-site brand recognition for a single MW Conference or a single MW Deep Dive Event.
- Recognition as a lunch and coffee sponsor at the sponsored event.
- A half-page ad in the sponsored conference program.
- Single booth at the sponsored conference.
- Attendance for up to two staff at the sponsored conference.
- One Registration Scholarships awarded in the sponsor’s name
- 50 Drink tickets for the sponsor to give attendees at the sponsored conference.
Bronze Sponsor | $5,000 USD | order form
- Selected online and on-site brand recognition as a lunch or coffee sponsor for a single MW Conference or a single MW Deep Dive Event.
- A half page ad in the sponsored conference program.
- Single booth at the sponsored conference.
- Attendance for up to one staff at the sponsored conference.
International Scholarship Sponsor $2,500 USD | order form
- One Full Travel and Registration Scholarship awarded in the sponsor’s name for an international attendee.
Communities of Practice and Custom Opportunities
MW is interested in discussing your unique marketing needs and objectives, and our new Communities of Practice opportunities. Contact us to build a sponsorship package tailored to the audiences you want to reach.
Non-Profit Opportunities
We are who we serve: we work at non-profits and deal with the same budget limitations you do. Contact us to inquire about opportunities to swap advertising and get discounts on existing sponsorship packages.
Note: Under no circumstances does MW share contact information such as email addresses or phone numbers for attendee or listserv members. We do publish an attendee list including name and institutional affiliation on the event website after registration opens, but this list is only accessible to registered attendees of the event.